How to collect resident reviews

All of your scores and rankings on HomeViews are based on reviews – so the best way to make the most of HomeViews is by collecting more reviews.

There are several different ways to collect reviews that HomeViews can support on, such as bespoke review collection posters, postcards, business cards, digital screens and personalised email outreaches.


Resident Email Tool

The Resident Email Tool is a feature in your Partner Portal that allows you to upload an email address file that sends an automated invitation to write a review on HomeViews. This will be a HomeViews branded email.


Click here to find out more about how to use the Resident Email Tool.


Review collection posters

HomeViews can design bespoke posters in your brand guidelines that you can put in your buildings in any place where residents can see them – for example, in a concierge, reception, lifts or communal areas.



HomeViews can also design postcards that can sit in the concierge, reception or communal areas that can be handed out by onsite teams – creating a more personalised reminder to leave a review.

Digital screens

If you have any screens or TVs around your development, a great way to remind residents to leave a review is to have a digital screen or poster with a QR code that links straight to your review form.


Personalised email outreach

If you have a list of your residents’ email addresses, a personalised email reminder can be a great way to increase engagement with your residents on HomeViews.