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Partner Portal
Star ratings, category scores and rankings
Ongoing Review Collection and Reports
How to make the most of HomeViews
Listings and Cross Selling
Resident Email Tool
Partner Portal
Find how-tos on using the dashboard and simple explanations of the charts and data.
How do I create a widget?
How do I update user permissions?
How to find positive themes to use in marketing
What does the Sustainability chart show?
What does the star rating and score breakdowns show?
What does the Ratings Breakdown chart show in the Partner Portal?
What does Total Reviews, Verified Reviews, Non-Verified Reviews and Reply Rate show?
What does the Developments Score chart show?
What does the Reviewer Types chart show?
What does the Ratings by Reviewer Type chart show?
What does the Selected Development Scores table show?
What does the Ratings History chart show?
What does the Reviews History chart do?
What does the Submitted Review Scores by Date chart show?
What does the Reviewer Ages chart show?
What does the Ratings by Age Range chart show?
What does the Build to Rent Additional Questions show?
What does the Private Tenant Additional Questions (Build to Rent) chart show?
What does the Build to Sell - New Build Owner Additional Questions chart show?
What does the Owner Additional Questions show?
What does the Owner Reviews chart show?
How to update your profile in your HomeViews portal?
How to add new users