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Star ratings, category scores and rankings
Ongoing Review Collection and Reports
How to make the most of HomeViews
Listings and Cross Selling
Resident Email Tool
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Partner Portal
Find how-tos on using the dashboard and simple explanations of the charts and data.
Get your questions answered about the reviews process.
Star ratings, category scores and rankings
Find all the information on how star ratings are calculated and how we work out awards and rankings.
Ongoing Review Collection and Reports
Find out how to run ongoing review collection and what is included in a HomeViews report
How to make the most of HomeViews
Find all the ways to optimise HomeViews across your marketing, internal reporting and branding.
Listings and Cross Selling
Find out why listings are important and how to make the most of cross-selling on HomeViews.
Resident Email Tool
Find Knowledge Base articles on the Resident Email Tool.