The only way that you can increase your ranking is through ongoing review collection. The more reviews you get, the more likely your position in the area guide rankings will change, as well as your overall ratings.
See our guide on the best ways to collect reviews, and some examples below such as…
Review collection posters...
Digital tiles...
The partner portal is updated once every 24 hours, so every time you receive a new review, your dashboard and scores will update.
Any new reviews will impact your score, however, reviews that are more than 12 months old will start to lose their weighting due to the historical weighting algorithm. This may be why you see small changes in your scores when getting new reviews.
It is also important to note that reviews directly link to transparency ratings. The more verified reviews you achieve, the more likely your transparency rating is to be green, and therefore shows your prospective residents how much you value transparency in your review collection.