How can a resident verify their review?

Our improved review verification feature is now live on HomeViews - making it easier for your residents to verify that they live in the development and, importantly, verify their review.
Residents submitting reviews will continue to be sent to our third-party ID checker. However, if they fail this initial automated verification, our improved process makes it easier to manually verify that they live at the development:
  1. Geolocation verification - A new option to one-time share location details with us on a phone or desktop. We then check the location is within the perimeter of your development to verify the review.
  2. Photo proof of address - residents can now take a photo of their driving license, utility bill, etc. instead of having to send it in an email to our verification team. This is quicker, easier and more secure for your residents.
To see this new feature in action, watch this short video.
We never expect a 100% verification rate, but we hope that making it easier for your residents to manually verify reviews keeps verification rates high.
Please note - we can only accept review verification from residents via the link in their email. 
Anything that is uploaded via this link is deleted when our reviews team have viewed the documents to comply with GDPR. We never store the data or information that is sent using this verification tool.