How to find positive themes to use in marketing

Reviews for Marketing

You can use the filters at the top of the Reviews section of the Partner Portal to find your best quotes to use in your marketing campaign or collateral. For example, if you were looking for the best verified reviews that mention ‘family’ in 2022, you would use the following filters:

  • “Search”: family
  • Start Date” and “End Date”: 1st January 2022 to today’s date
  • “Verification status”: Verified
  • “Sort by”: Rating (desc)

HomeViews top tip: Click the four squares in the top right so you can see where your search word appears in each review to quickly pull quotes for your campaign.


Marketing Statistics

You can find some great marketing statistics in the Dashboard section of the Partner Portal.


For brand-level statistics, make sure you have all your developments ticked in the ‘Developments’ filter. If you’re looking for development-specific statistics, make sure you’re ticking just the development you want to look at in this filter (see our guide: how to filter your dashboard).


The quickest way to find a statistic is to look at the HomeViews UK Benchmark scores. These will always be in gold on the dashboard. These will be specific BTR or BTS Benchmarks depending on your development type.


For example, looking at the ‘Selected development scores’ table you could say: “The Whitmore Collection scored 4.92 out of 5 for Facilities, which is above the HomeViews BTR Benchmark of 4”


Another great way to find marketing statistics is to look at the Build to Rent or Build to Sell additional questions.


For example, looking at the below graphs, you could say: “XYZ scored 4.23 out of 5 for Delivery Timetable, which is above the HomeViews UK BTS Benchmark of 3.84” or “85% of residents would recommend XYZ as their developer.”


To find out if your brand or development is 'Top Rated' on HomeViews (e.g. XYZ is a Top Rated BTR development for Value, based on verified resident reviews submitted so far in 2022), contact your Account Manager.


Examples of partners using HomeViews quotes and statistics in their marketing: