Did you know you can filter your notifications for positive or negative reviews only?
At HomeViews, we recommend responding to all reviews as it shows you care about your residents and their feedback. Some companies opt to have one person responding to all reviews so there is a consistent tone of voice. Others have a member of the team responding to positive reviews, and another team member or manager responding to negative reviews.
Some industries believe in responding to negative reviews only.
In either case, at HomeViews you can manage who responds to which type of review. Under the ‘Users’ tab in the partner portal, you can ‘Set Permissions’ on an individual user in your company and see what they currently have access to. Click the arrow next to a development to drop down all permissions.
Most users are set to receive all review notifications, but if you’d only like to see the 4-5 star reviews (typically positive) or the 1-3 star reviews (typically negative) all you need to do is tick the appropriate box.
Need help responding to reviews? Check out our helpful guide on how to respond to positive reviews or negative reviews.
Don’t have permission to see all user permissions in your company? Get in touch with your HomeViews account manager and we can set these preferences for you.