My resident has submitted a review, why can't I see it yet?

Every review that is submitted to HomeViews is checked and processed by a member of the reviews team. This is so we can check the review complies with our guidelines (e.g. no foul language, explicit content, hate language, insults, threats, etc.) and assign the review a ‘usefulness’ score.


The majority of reviews are published within 48 hours of submission, but during busy periods a review can take up to a week to publish.


During a survey period, HomeViews will put reviews into ‘Partner Preview’ so you have early access to respond to the review in your portal before it’s live on site. We do this because we expect you to receive more reviews than usual, which can take some time to work through. Once you’ve left a response, your response will go live at the same time as the review.


To access a review in Preview mode, log in to the HomeViews Partner Portal and go to ‘Reviews’. There will be a ‘Preview’ tag on the review in question. To respond, just click on the review and leave your response in the box. A HomeViews team member will approve your response and publish the review.