When a resident submits a review it goes through a 2 step process and also may enter "Partner Preview" mode for some time before being published. Please view the process outlined below as to why it may be the case that a review has not been published on the HomeViews site. However, if the review has not appeared on the site within 28 days, please contact info@homeviews.com and they can look into this for you.
Step 1. The reviewer who submitted the review goes through our verification process with ID3 to check they are a real person and if they live at the development. This comes back with a confidence score. If the confidence score is over a certain percentage it is accepted as a verification "pass". Otherwise, it is considered a verification "fail".
When a resident reviewer fails the verification process, they will be contacted by HomeViews and asked to provide proof of address so we can manually verify the resident. If this doesn't happen within 21 days, then the review moves onto step 2, but will be marked as an "unverified review" on the HomeViews website.
Step 2. The review then goes through a manual quality control check. Here HomeViews check that the review doesn't violate any of our guidelines. If a review fails our guidelines, HomeViews will contact the resident to give them the opportunity to edit their review to adhere to our guidelines and be re-submitted. If a review does not edit their review to meet our guidelines, it will not be posted on the HomeViews site.
After this, if the review is for a non-partner development or is for a partner development and is a "good review" (i.e. overall score of 4 or 5 stars), then the review is ready to be published. The team at this development will be notified that they have received a new review and can submit a response.
If the review is for a partner development and is classified as a "negative review" (i.e. overall score is 3 stars or less), then the review goes into "Partner Preview" mode. This means the development team are notified of the review and have a period of time to look into the issue and draft a management response that will go live at the same time as the review goes live on the HomeViews site. The development team will receive an email to notify them that there is a new review in "Partner Preview" mode and is ready for a manager response.
The amount of time a review is in "Partner Preview" mode is dependent on if the development team is taking part in a HomeViews survey. If a survey is taking place, the review will be in preview for 7 days. If a survey is not taking place, the review will be in preview for 21 days.
After this time, the review will be published onto the HomeViews site whether or not the development team have submitted a manager response to the review.
If the development team have submitted a manager response within the time limit, both the resident review and the manager response will be published to the live HomeViews site together.
Please note, manage responses to reviews are not published automatically, and are quality checked by HomeViews to make sure it adheres to our guidelines.