Your HomeViews report will provide a breakdown and analysis of all of your data since your previous report. If this is your first report, it will be of your all-time data on HomeViews first, and then following years will conduct a yearly analysis.
The first part of your report consists of a data breakdown of all of your portfolio scores and by development. You will also be able to see what your residents think around sustainability as well as understand which on-site HomeViews Awards you have qualified for in that period.
The bulk of the report then provides either a portfolio breakdown of category insights with some sentiment around each scheme OR a breakdown of category insights per scheme for you to fully comprehend how and why your residents are scoring the way they are. This is followed by an analysis of your 5 additional bespoke questions.
Finally, we like to provide all of our partners with some bespoke marketing examples, including social media tiles, widget examples, summary pages and website mock-ups. With this, you can best see different ways of using your great quotes for marketing because we are here to help you make the most of your marketing subscription with HomeViews!