First log into the Partner Portal using this link.
Go to the "Reviews" section in the left-hand menu column.
Once you are in the Reviews section you can filter the data using the drop downs at the top of the page:
- Search for key words, e.g. where reviews mention "balcony"
- Filter by the Developments you have access to
- Filter by the Reviewer Type, e.g. "Tenant" or "Owner"
- Filter by a date range, if you're looking for reviews over a specific period
- Filter by Response Type, so you can easily find reviews that have or haven't been responded to
- Filter by Verification, so you can sort between verified and unverified reviews
You can also sort the data in the table directly by clicking on the column header, e.g. clicking on "Overall Score" will sort the scores either in ascending or descending order.
If you click on a review in the table, the full review will open up on the right hand side and you can scroll through the complete resident's review.
If a review has not received a manager response yet, then at the bottom of the opened up review will be the fields for you to write a response. Please note, a manager response is not automatically published to the live site and has to go through a manual check to make sure it adheres to our guidelines. Please see the rest of the Reviews section of the Knowledge Base on how to respond to reviews.